
Shot List - UPDATED

This is a more solid version of my shot list, edited from my previous draft shot list. 

The following shot are shown in black and white - to show the darkness and seriousness of his situation. 

1) shot of long road production logo

2) shot of my production logo - HeartReel 

3) shot of moving heart rate monitor, dialogue over top, along with beeps and music and then the monitor line flows into the title of my film, Coma. 

4) first shot of comic strip - showing a hospital room, with a young male coma victim in one of the beds - the shot slides in from the bottom left corner - at a steady pass - in time with the music i'm intending to have. 

5) the next comic strip slides in from the right side - showing the picture horizontally and the picture is of the same male in the hospital bed but this time the picture is zoomed in close to view him, the equipment and the bed. 

6) The sixth shot is a close up of a doctor, this is meant to show him explaining the patients status and setting the serious mood. The comic strip comes into the screen from the bottom, slides up and zooms in a little more. 

7) My next shot shows the male still in his coma bed but he is being attended to by the hospital staff. This shot comes in from the top right corner, slides in a zooms in a little. 

8) The next shot slides in from the bottom right corner and zooms in on a picture of him in his bed and this close up is quite close to him and views his upper body. 

The following shots will be shown in a warm colour - most likely a shade of red. This is to show the romance between him and his girl friend - it shows his memory of her. 

9) My ninth shot slides in from the left side, viewing a horizontal image of the coma victim and his girl friend at a cinema. This image is drawn as if you were looking from behind them. 

10) The next shot is an image of the both of them in a park together and the male is swinging his girl friend around. This shot comes into shot from the bottom and zooms in on them. 

11) The which follows after is brought into screen from the top of the screen, slides into shot and then zooms in. The picture shows the both of them sitting down to dinner and views them from the side so you see one of them at either end of the table. 

12) The next comes in from the top left corner and again slides in and zooms in. The image is of the both of them just standing watching a sun set and holding hands. 

13) This next shot is slightly different and I think I may change it at some point if it doesn't work but it starts off small and diagonal and slowly zooms in and comes into shot horizontally. 
The images show the both of them kissing and his meant to show the love that they had for each other. 

14) Shot fourteen is showing the both of them sitting on a park bench together. This comic strip comes in from the bottom right corner, slides in and zooms in. 

The following shots go back to being shown in black and white - again to show the darkness and seriousness of the issues shown in the pictures. 

15) This shot shows the young male standing the edge of a tall building and a dark shadow(the attempted murderer)standing by the door behind him. This images slides in from the bottom and again zooms in. 

16) The next shot slides in from the bottom left corner and zooms in on a picture of the dark shadow, having just pushed the young male of the building and the young male following to what you think to be his death but turns out to be his coma. 

17) In the next shot, it shows the young male on the concrete floor, with a puddle of mud around his head and this shot slides in from the bottom of screen and zooms in quite close to the image of him. 

18) The shot which follows comes in from the bottom right corner and zooms in on a image of the ambulance and medical team attending to him and also showing a keep out sign to stop the public coming in to see. 

19) The next shot is of the dark shadow standing on the top of the building, staring down at the scene. This shot comes in form the bottom of the screen and zooms in quite close to the dark shadow. 

20) The second to last shot shows a view of the shadow from the back of him, then looking on to the ambulance driving away in the distance. This shot comes in from the top left corner and zooms in of the image of the shadow. 

21) My last shot starts of small and zooms in to a close shot of the last comic image. This images shows the young male in his coma bed and the shot slowly fades into a real shot of the young male in an actual bed.