
Opening Sequence for Film Project - shot ideas

In class we made a timeline to layout what ideas we have so far, where they would come in to the sequence and what shots went where etc. Here is a rough version of my ideas for my shots throughout the opening. 

All of the shots with images in off comic books are going to have the titles on the same page as the image 

- First shot of a heart rate monitor, flashing, moving alone and beeping in time with a patients heart beats. Dialogue over this shot, stating facts about coma's etc
- I think after this shot I will have a shot of the title of the film, Coma, and just have it plan white on a black back ground but I'm not sure of wether I will keep that idea

The following images will be in black and white 

- a fade out of the heart monitor and a fade in of a comic book page - picture of male in hospital bed

-a shot of a doctor explaining the males coma status, this images is on a comic book page - not sure what effect to place on this one

- zoom in of another comic book - starting from whole book - zooming in on pictures of male being nursed in the hospital or maybe police officers around his bed 

- maybe a slide in of a comic book page - double page - close up of two images - both hospital related again, male waking up from coma, and being tended to by nurses 

- a shot of the accident, which put the male into the coma but not too much detail so not much is given away, again on a comic book and probably a close up 

The next following images will be in a warm colour - suggesting a love relationship with someone

- picture of male with a past partner, maybe wife, in field and impression of him spinning her around 

- maybe a shot of him and his partner kissing or something along those lines to show the strong relationship they had - the deep love and again on comic book page

- a comic book picture of male caring for his partner, maybe two pictures on one page

-  a comic book image of the both of them at some sort of event, like a gig or some sort of activity - enjoying each other company 

Shots now go back to being black and white - setting a mood of sadness, loneliness and darkness

- another image of the accident which put the male into the coma

- a image showing a dark figure standing above the male, the figure is blacked out so you cant tell who it is and what they look like and then maybe on the page next to it, the figure walking away

- image of his partner visiting the male in the hospital - male asleep

- image of male waking after his partner has left - maybe on opposite page as the shot above

This is as far as I have got with my ideas of shots throughout the sequence but I think I'm almost there with what I want to do. The last though, will be of the male in his hospital bed and it fades out of the comic book effect and then into a real shot - I have to work on how I will do this shot though.

All of the shots above will have the credits on the comic book page - as if written on the actually book. 

All of the images in the shot will be shown as drawn comic book strips and have some sort of effect to slide in, zoom or some sort of effect like this.