
CSI Miami Lego Shot by Shot

(I was only there to complete the first two shots in the sequence so most of this analysis will be done by what i've seen watching the sequence and what my other group members told me.)

The beginning of the sequence shows a very quick shot of the city Miami, its about a 2 second shot so it wasn't hard to do but it did take us while to makes the city out of lego and i'm sure fans of show will recognize the shot as Miami.
The next shot we did was of two men, one being the lead male character in the show, speeding down a river in Miami. This shot shows the action that appears within the show, as a insight to what excitement the viewer will witness. Being a viewer of CSI myself, i find this shot in the opening sequence to work very well when showing the best parts of the show and i think we were able to do the same with the Lego and i think people will recognize the shot from the original.
The next two shot are close ups of the main male lead and one of his colleges. This gives the audience a chance to see the main characters before watching the show and gives them a few seconds to judge - judge what they think of the characters personalities or what they look like. Even though lots of people don't like to judge a book by its covers, when watching tv shows, thats what most people do when they determine wether they will watch the show.
Shot four in the sequence i think is my favourite because its a pan of the Miami city and i found it the most fun to complete the set for it and i think this is what a lot of people will recognize, especially with the camera work. The pan goes up the city, going along the side of the beach and show the glamour of show and beauty of the setting.
The next five shots that follow again are just showing the characters which appear within the show and again give the audience a change to judge the characters for themselves and see what each one does in the program. Along with showing the characters on there own, the opening sequence shows the characters dealing with technical equipment, tests in the lap and other things which go on when on the job. For example, we completed a shot of a dad body on a autopsy table and this was very interesting to try and figure out how to get it to look and work properly.
After most of the shots of the characters, we have another shot of the city miami, only for a second and then a shot of some of the characters in the strip joint watching a stripper.In the shot you see a strippers legs walking past the screen and we decided out of the blue, just for entertainment that we would make one of the legs a wooden leg. It happened to work really well, it was hilarious to see in Lego and i'm people who recognize the show from the shot will find this shot very funny.
After a few more shots of the characters, we show a shot of the city again slowly panning up the city, quite similar to a shot earlier in the sequence which again is another favourite shot of mine and again gives the audience a last view of the setting of the program.
Finally, the last shot is the main lead again but he appears in the shot faces away from the camera with his back to it. This shows the audience that he has some secrets and some troubles of his own and that during the show there will be some scene showing the lives of the characters and relationships between them. It is a very strong shot and appears very meaningful.